Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Beijing Taxi

Documentary that explores the culture of China through traveling in a Taxi which enables for a deeper connection with the residents of Beijing. Take a look at it in the link below.

Beijing Taxi » Trailer from Editorial Pinch on Vimeo.


  1. So I commented on this post a couple days ago, but apparently my computer wasn't cooperating because it didn't post. Anyways, what I said was I really enjoyed watching this trailer of Beijing Taxi, and seeing the ways in which Beijing is transforming from Socialist to Capitalist. The ways in which the story is told through the eyes of different taxi drivers, your everyday people, it is a unique way to tell a tale. Beijing is now starting to look more and more like NYC (I went there for the first time last much fun). This trailer makes me want to search even further on its website and watch the rest of the movie. What made you chose to post this anyways?

  2. I just love documentaries which tell a real story because you are inform in a fun interesting way and since documentaries to me seem really artistic I think they should be appreciate it, so I am glad you do. But, I also see there is an originality in this documentary because everything is being observe through a taxi which makes everything flow more naturally as if no one was watching.
